Commercial Tenant Protection Act – SB 1103
2024 (PASSED)
SB 1103 provides common sense commercial tenant protections for small businesses and small nonprofits that will reduce the risk of displacement through transparent and fair commercial leasing practices.
Small businesses and nonprofits in California have far fewer protections than residential tenants, and are being forced out of business and displaced from their communities at an alarming rate.
LCCRSF is sponsoring SB 1103 (D-Menjivar), the Commercial Tenant Protection Act, which will protect small commercial tenants* against rent increases, unclear and unfair lease terms, exorbitant added fees, and language inaccessibility in leases.
SB 1103/The Commercial Tenant Protection Act provides the following:
- No more hidden fees, by creating basic standards for calculating common area maintenance fees, helping small tenants anticipate and plan for costs
- More time to respond to a rent increase or termination of tenancy, giving small tenants a chance to plan and continue providing community-based services
- Language justice & transparency, by requiring a lease to be translated if negotiated in a language other than English, enabling landlords and tenants to better understand their rights and obligations
*SB 1103 protects “Qualified Commercial Tenants,” defined as a microenterprise with 5 or fewer employees, restaurants with 10 or fewer employees, or nonprofit with 20 or fewer employees.
Sen. Caroline Menjivar Press Release