The resources provided below are informational tools. These resources are not legal advice and should not be taken as legal advice. Please seek an attorney for legal help.
Resources in English
Unlawful Detainer Guide for Small Business (Alameda County)
Unlawful Detainer Guide for Small Business (San Francisco County)
Sample Lease Amendment With Percentage-Based Rent
When and How to File for Bankruptcy
Resources in Spanish
Rent Repayment Plan Template for Deferred Rent (Oakland) / Plan de Pago para Renta Diferida
Percentage Based Rent Lease Amendment / Modificación al Contrato de Arrendamiento
Rent Repayment Plan Template for Deferred Rent (San Francisco) / Plan de Pago para Renta Diferida
Resources in Cantonese
Rent Repayment Plan Template (Oakland) / 延遲租金付款計劃協議
Percentage Based Rent Lease Amendment / 租約的修訂
Resources in Mandarin
Rent Repayment Plan Template (Oakland) / 延期租金付款计划协议
Resources in Vietnamese
Rent Repayment Plan Template (Oakland) / Thỏa thuận Kế hoạch Thanh toán cho Tiền thuê Hoãn trả
Percentage Based Rent Lease Amendment / SỬA ĐỔI HỢP ĐỒNG THUÊ