Hewot is a Program Director and Senior Attorney in the Economic Justice team’s Legal Services for Entrepreneurs program. She joined LCCRSF in July 2022 from the East Bay Community Law Center, a clinic of Berkeley Law School, where she practiced and taught community-centered transactional lawyering and advocated for polices to prevent tenant displacement and preserve affordable housing as a Clinical Lecturer and Supervising Attorney. After graduating from the University of Chicago Law School, Hewot began her legal practice in BigLaw and then went on to work as in-house legal counsel for a 501(c)(3) nonprofit focused on advancing environmental protection, vehicle emissions reduction, and green jobs in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Hewot dedicates her professional career to build economic value and power in low-income communities and communities of color. In her spare time, Hewot enjoys nature, waterfronts, traveling, and good times with good friends and family.